Our Blog
Welcome to the Dolphin Bay blog,
where we bring the unseen to the fore.
Bertus Coetzee is the owner and MD of Dolphin Bay.
November 8, 2023
The Chief Operating Officer at Dolphin Bay, Thinus Ferreira, hands me a book called ‘The Power of Fun’ by Catherine Price. “Hmmm, is he trying to tell me something?” I wonder. “Do I have start swotting up on how to have a laugh?” But this wasn’t his message (I hope). The Dolphin Bay team realised at the start of the […]
March 15, 2021
Several scenes have been milling through my mind recently. I realise that they all hang together, and all bring illumination. The first scene is the male lobster, scuttling along on the ocean floor. Our crustacean is described in the opening chapter of the book “12 Rules for Life” by Jordan Peterson. If the creature loses enough fights, and with them […]
January 19, 2021
We often hear the saying: “This is not personal, it’s business.” But is this true, or even possible? Any decision that we make that influences another person’s life is, by its very nature, personal. To say that a decision is made purely on a business basis is to put on a mask and hide behind it. As the picture shows, […]
May 25, 2020
I needed to explain an awkward situation to a supplier and to apologise that it had arisen. His response was completely unexpected. “Not at all. I enjoyed the discussion, and I’m glad we’ve had it,” he said. “We’ve been in similar circumstances in the past and managed to overcome them successfully.”